Conventional Seeding

The UK’s premier Hydroseeding and Erosion Control contractor

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Conventional Seeding

Conventional Seeding Services Throughout The UK

Oliver Brown Ltd are market leaders in conventional seeding. Our extensive range of modern equipment is structured to cope with all types of soils from reclamation sites, through to sports pitches and amenity areas.

Cultivation And Decompaction

The first step in the conventional hydroseeding process is the initial ground cultivation and decompaction. This is a vital part of conventional seeding in which the soil is worked down to a fine tilth to prepare the ground to receive the seed. Cultivation is achieved by subsoiling or ripping the ground to a suitable depth to break the ‘pan’.  Following this, cultivations such as ploughing and power harrowing may be undertaken if required to create a suitable seed bed.


Following the cultivation to a suitable seed bed, the next step in the conventional seeding process may be sowing. The seed is sown by Oliver Brown Ltd’s highly accurate air seeders, ensuring placement of the seed is perfect.  Accuracy is imperative, especially for some expensive wildflower seeds which need to be sown at less than 1 gram per square metre.

The seed is usually rolled into place to firm the seed bed back down and create soil contact with the seed, to maximise the germination.

Conventional Seeding Advantages

  • Ability to cover large accessible areas quickly
  • Creation of high seed to soil contact
  • Seedbed cultivation and ripping
  • Allows a tailored approach to sowing grass, by using both hydroseeding and conventional seeding to deliver on time.

Oliver Brown Ltd can tailor the seeding process to any client requirements; selecting specialist seeds, the correct ameliorants, fertilisers and aftercare packages. Oliver Brown Ltd employ an Agronomist who specialises in grassland science, enabling the seed varieties to be matched to individual soil types and ensuring aftercare packages are tailored to the environment; including broadleaf weed control and cutting which are all provided by Oliver Brown Ltd’s in-house team.

Oliver Brown Ltd’s broad range of conventional seeding equipment includes machinery capable of combining cultivation and sowing into a ‘one pass’ procedure, both increasing productivity and providing a cost effective seeding solution. Equipment ranges from large agricultural machinery through to small compact and alpine tractors with narrow implements ideal for amenity projects with difficult access and embankments.

Oliver Brown Limited has the perfect combination of conventional seeding and hydroseeding expertise & equipment, to enable the completion of the even the most complex of seeding projects, on time and to budget

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